Monday, November 7, 2011

Time sure flies.....

Isn't it crazy how fast time goes by?  This is especially true this time of year, when school is in full force, the holidays are looming, and it is really easy to get bogged down with the daily grind.  It causes me to focus in on moments - those moments that won't come again or ever be replicated.  I had two of those this weekend.

The first was when I was with my mom, sister-in-law (Rachel), and my niece (Maddie) at my friend's wedding.  It was such a beautiful day and it was the first wedding Maddie ever attended.  So I really enjoyed helping to explain all that was happening to her.  I loved walking around at the reception with her hand in mine and teasing about her wedding some day.  The moment I cling to, was when I was able to share with her that weddings are modeled after the bigger picture of Jesus reuniting with His church - with us! - upon His return.  After all, He is the ultimate bridegroom.  And we are His bride.  What a privilege to share that with her.

The second moment was when I got to talk, one-on-one, with my nephew Jake for over an hour on Sunday....just the two of us.  He is 11 years old now, and is really growing into a wonderful young man.  He's not that little boy I remember singing in the van, saying, "car" over and over again.....he's growing up.  And I really loved being able to talk with him about all kinds of things and share with him my heart and guide him through some of his questions.  He is a precious young man.

It's in these moments that I get the most joy and revel in how blessed I am!

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